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It’s A Different Time of the Year

Yes I know the holiday season is coming but it’s been a life altering period. Grief is a process, not a race, some days are fine and others a lot of tears flow. Bright spots have also occurred a new companion named Moose, a puppy growing in weight and quick witted smarts. Well, I didn’t want a dumb dog and the universe provided, some things I teach him and some he figures out himself. He has a friend in the neighbourhood named Nebu a very patient beagle who tolerates a half Corgi puppy.

Walking the neighbourhood a few times a day has been eye opening, traffic is heavier, faster, a majority roll or roar through stop signs and with the puppy my head is on a swivel. It’s fun to watch his demeanour when it’s raining, or snowing he was a summer baby and the changeable weather is a fact of walking every day. Of course like any toddler he has his “can’t believe you’re behaving….” period when he won’t admit his fatigue and as any parent knows a bedtime routine is essential. Right now he is growling at the sofa and jumping, running, chasing his tail (I assure him it won’t disappear) and if long enough he obviously has vertigo. It’s perversely entertaining, he fills the day and it’s a new experience every day, I have attended puppy training, as Moose knows what to do, it’s me that has learning needs.

I miss my Dad and my friends have been great, checking on me and listening with unconditional love. I have professional tasks to keep me busy though the feeling of winding down and enjoying leisure time is tempting. I’ll see; I’ve never been one to make resolutions just decide to start something new (though the thinking of the decision is always as long as needed).

The world has been a distant disaster with the ongoing strife in the Ukraine, the tragedies in Israel and Gaza and earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, climate change, etc., etc., it has me for the first time avoiding the nightly news. Our nation is struggling with higher interest rates, cost of living is a struggle for a growing number. Indeed there are some families who immigrated to Canada now leaving, no idea how many but we have so many labour shortages in many sectors of our economy. How do we solve these large issues, we all need to agree on common values.

Honesty, generosity, accountability, empathy, trust, are but a few and slow down in my neighbourhood there’s puppies, children playing, and elderly people walking across the streets. Stopping at the stop signs is also a strong request, I stop in your neighbourhoods. It’s that time to be grateful for the birth of a newborn King who inspired three wise men to bestow gifts, to have us pause and spend time with those we love; count our blessings and be grateful for shelter, food, and peace on earth is a worthy pursuit. Namaste.

Categories: Uncategorized

Paula M

Registered Nurse Storyteller, Healer, Scribe, Transformational Leader

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